Training to Self Reliant

Self relient means  personal independence or reliance on one’s own efforts and abilities. A self reliant person realises that he or she has the full responsibilities of their life and they must do everything for themselves.Vivid Foundation provide training to self relient to empower the persons .Vivid Foundation support to live Self-reliant independent and fulfilling lives.

Motivating, teaching and supporting individuals and their families to learn the practical skills necessary to manage and overcome challenges and to succeed in every day life.Educating the community about ways to assist those with special needs.Advocating for the preservation and growth of services and programs that promote independence and safety for individuals and their families.

Vivid Foundation makes the people self reliant by providing skill development and entrepreneurship training.Vivid Foundation mainly focuses into promotion of Culture,IT and Research & Development into rural and semi urban areas of country.
For women empowerment Vivid Foundation provided Hand Made Paper Bags Training in Tanda,U.P. and Delhi.Vivid Foundation motivate people to become self independent by providing training of Entrepreneurship Skill Development.Vivid Foundation conducts training programmes in collabration with Sulabh International,MSME and GRC.

Vivid Foundation also provide Training Programmes on Business Opportunities in Solar Plant.Vivid Foundation provide skill development and entrepreneurship skill development training for the economic growth and social development of the country.