Who We Are
Little Vivid, who was born with multiple birth defects inspire his parents to start Vivid Foundation.

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Welcome to Vivid Foundation
Welcome to Vivid Foundation’s nation building concept. We invite each and every community to share their views, thoughts and Idea to promote country’s Educational system and one of the strongest base i.e. culture and tradition. Apart of education and culture, almost all the services that help to enrich country, will be entertained at Vivid Foundation. We understand the importance of involvement of the community, so we always consider local community in all phases of TRIC including thought process, implementation, and control mechanism. Without Local participation one can not attain any further development especially in rural areas of India.

Vivid Foundation Projects
- Training To Self Reliant Projects
- Training to Self Reliant
- Solar Plant Training
- Rural Development
- Education
- Health Awareness
- Entrepreneur Development
- Socio Cultural Awareness
- Sulabh International
- Skill Development Programme
- Research & Development
- Women Empowerment
- Dona Pattal Machine
- Special Projects for Women Entrepreneur
- North-East Hilly Areas
- Miscellaneous Projects
- Paper and Paper Projects
- Leather & Footwear Projects
- Plastic & Rubber Projects
- Knitwear & Garments Projects
- Auto Components Projects
- Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Projects
- Agro & Food Processing Projects
- Light Engineering Projects
- Entrepreneur Development
- Artificial Limb for Handicaps
- Women Empowerment
- Vivid Foundation and MSME Enterpreneur Development
Artificial limbs can give real hope to Suneeta Devi
- All

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